Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, Inc. continues to give back to the Orthotic & Prosthetic profession with their support of The O&P Foundation Tamarack Award for Outstanding Contributions to Orthotic Practice & Education, including a $10,000 award.
This award recognizes and honors an individual who has significantly impacted Orthotics practice through their dedication to innovation in patient care, orthotic device development, and sharing their knowledge in these areas with the O&P community.

Tiffany Graham MSPO, CPO, LPO, FAAOP(D)
Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and a Fellow with Distinction in the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. She is the Academy’s Vice President and Immediate Past Chair of the Research Council. She has previously served as Chair of the Academy’s Craniofacial Society and Evidence-Based Practice Committee.
Tiffany’s clinical career has been focused on pediatric orthotics and she has specialized in Cranial Remolding for the past 15 years. Eleven of her manuscripts surrounding clinical outcomes of orthotic treatment have been published and two more are in-press. In addition to authoring 14 posters, Tiffany has presented at least 50 times at various conferences and webinars and is a three-time recipient of the Thranhardt Award.
She has been actively involved in teaching the principles of cranial remolding treatment to more than 200 students and practitioners and is committed to advocating for the efficacy of cranial remolding orthoses.
“The Tamarack Award is an amazing honor and the recognition from the O&P community is vastly appreciated. As the growth and elevation of our profession continues through research, innovation, advocacy, and exceptional patient care, I look forward to seeing and supporting our upcoming advancements.”– Graham