These stories showcase past award recipients and the impact the funding had on them personally and professionally – today, tomorrow and for years to come.

Kiley Armstrong
Kiley Armstrong Research Prosthetist Orthotist / Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center Background Kiley Armstrong, MS, MPO, CPO is a Research Prosthetist-Orthotist at Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center. With a deep passion for enhancing the quality and accessibility of orthotic and prosthetic care, she integrates her clinical insights into cutting-edge research, innovation, and

Kierra Falbo
Abby Citterman Research Prosthetist Orthotist; PhD Candidate / Minneapolis VA; University of Minnesotaette Children’s Background Kierra Falbo completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill and her Master’s degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics at Northwestern University. Kierra iscurrently a Research Prosthetist Orthotist with

Abby Citterman
Abby Citterman Orthotic & Prosthetic Resident / Gillette Children’s Background Abigail Citterman is a first-year orthotic & prosthetic resident at Gillette Children’s and a research fellowwith the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab. Her research interests include developing and validating novelrehabilitative technologies for individuals with neuromuscular disabilities. Abby earned an honorsbachelor’s degree in

Kyle Leister
Kyle Leister Program Director/Assistant Professor | East Tennessee State University Background Kyle Leister is a Certified Orthotist/Prosthetist and director of the Master of Science inOrthotics/Prosthetics Program at East Tennessee State University. Dr. Leister’s research focuses onobjective measures of physical activity and methods for strengthening the link between wearabletechnologies and clinical

Donald Katz
Katz, MHA, CO Vice President | Scottish Rite for Children Background Mr. Katz earned his Bachelor of Science degree from The University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter’s Prosthetic and Orthotic program after attending The University of Texas at Austin. He attendedthe University of Texas at Arlington where he earned his Master

Nina Bondre
Nina Bondre Sr. LDRP Specialist Background Nina Bondre currently works at Medtronic and is a part of their Leadership Development RotationProgram. She graduated from The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) with an MBA and a majorin Health Care Management. Nina received her Master in Prosthetics & Orthotics from NorthwesternUniversity and

Janet Trujillo
Janet Trujillo Orthotic Resident Background As a previous recipient of the ABC Orthotist & Prosthetist Diversity Scholarship, I am proud to sharehow this opportunity transformed my journey in orthotics and prosthetics. I am a first-generationcollege graduate, a milestone I once thought was beyond my reach due to significant familyresponsibilities. Despite

Shane Wurdeman
Shane Wurdeman VP, Scientific Affairs Background Shane Wurdeman, PhD, CP, FAAOP(D) is the Vice President of Scientific Affairs within Hanger’sDepartment of Clinical and Scientific Affairs. He entered the field of P&O as a technician. He then earnedhis MS in P&O at Georgia Tech, followed by residencies in orthotics and prosthetics.